Ecotheater–<>A wonderful blog with great insite kept by Mike Lawler on the subject. His motto–“create art. not waste.” As near as I can tell, Mike is in touch with a lot of people who are working towards sustainable theatre–maybe everyone. He is working on a much needed book on the subject.
Green Theater–a wiki page maintained by Ian Garret <t> Ian teaches a course at Cal Arts in Sustainable Theater. There is a link to his course pages on that site as well as some links to other pages of interest.
Green Museum–a gallery of Environmental Artists from all over the world. Quite an extensive list.
Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) <>–This is where you can find the complete text of “The Talloires Declaration” along with a list of all the University Presidents and Chancelors that have signed it so far. The ULSF also has links to some great articles about how several universities are implemeting the Declaration.
GovTracks–“H.R. 3637: Higher Education Sustainability Act of 2007” <> Find a link to the full text of the bill here. From what I understand, this is the third such attempt at this bill. Gov Tracks, lets you know what is happening with all bills–so if you are interested check there. Last I heard, it was in subcommitte.
Congressional Testimony from Committee on House Education and Labor by Darlene Hooley, <> A recent statement of Darlene Hooley, US representative about the Green Schools Caucus… I used some of her statistics in my paper.
“How Green is Brown?” Brown University News Article by Taryn Martinez<>2007
“CSU trading LEED for Green—New buildings won’t be certified by program but will use the same standards” by Hallie Woods,<> 2008
U.S. Green Building Council “LEED certification” <> 2008–Even if you are not looking into a LEED certification for your theater–the requirements for LEED are good standards to follow when you are striving toward sustainabilty.
Green Theater Initiative--<> I was recently sent this link–and look our urls are similar too! This is a group dedicated to bringing sustainability to theater as well. You can sign up for their newsletter.